
Archive for the ‘Crafting’ Category

Before the power went out.

Before the power went out last week I had a sudden flash of productivity (probably due to the fact friends were coming to visit for the weekend).  I was tired of the throw pillows on the couch that looked like this: Fraying pillow 1

and this:

Throw pillow 2

The pillows I picked up at Ross for something like $6 each, and they complemented the chair we have in our living room perfectly so of course I grabbed them, couldn’t beat that price!  But since we don’t have a “no dogs on the couch” rule at our house – Roxie and Jackson were using those new pillows as their own personal pillows when laying on the couch.  I think they got more use out of them than us!  So pretty quickly the seams were splitting and they were looking frayed.  If I didn’t do something soon the stuffing was going to be pulled out and strewn across the living room…kinda like all their stuffed animals!

I had been looking at pillow covers on etsy – but when they were $20 each at the low end I realized that it was something I could do.  I just needed to make the time! We had an extra 6×9 canvas drop cloth left over from another decorating project (future post).  So my neglected sewing machine and craft table were dusted off – and after just 45 minutes of measuring, pinning & sewing I had newly recovered pillows that were more durable and now washable for the dogs paw prints and drool that is sure to come 🙂 They are actually both snoring on the couch next to me as I write this!

Here’s the after:

Throw pillow after

What do you think? Not perfect, but it will do…I do think I need to add a brown ribbon stripe(s) or some sort of stencil print to it, perhaps next time – especially now that I know how easy it was to do! And literally not 15 minutes after I finished the two pillows – the power went out & productivity was over 🙂

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